Exercise 4-7

Write a routine ungets(s) that will push back an entire string onto the input. Should ungets know about buf and bufp, or should it just use ungetch?

Instead of accessing buf and bufp, it would be easier to use ungetch since a lot of the code in it is common with our new function. Keeping in mind that stacks work on the last in, first out principle, we want to push back the last character first, then the second-to-last character, and so on until the entire string has been pushed into buf. We achieve this by incrementing i until it equals the index of the last character of s, at which point we push back each character in a for-loop that decrements i until it reaches zero.

    /* ungets:  push character string back on input */
    void ungets(char s[])
        int i;
        for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; ++i)
        --i;    /* exclude \0 */
        for (; i >= 0; --i)